Posts tagged with "Unit Test" - Page 3

Mocking .NET framework SmtpClient class

Jun 1, 2008

This Saturday like the last two I planned to work on my wooden terrace, but with the weather we have for this year's spring, it was almost impossible. So I replaced that with some development.

I am using Rhino.Mocks as mock object framework and went to the following solution to mock SmtpClient.

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Team City 3.1 and NDepend 2.8 integration

I finally managed to integrate those two wonderful tools Team City and NDepend as you can see on the following picture:

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Integration of NCover into Team City for Tech Head Brothers

Starting the development of the new Tech Head Brothers in a remote multi developers environment I wanted to have some tooling to ease our work. For sure we have:

  1. A code repository: Subversion installed using VisualSVN server

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Set Up a Build Computer using VisualSVN, Team City, MsTest, NUnit

When I started to work on the new version of Tech Head Brothers I decided to use the new version of the unit testing framework from Microsoft. Before making this decision I read that it was much better and faster in several places. As I also wanted to get code coverage I thought it was a good idea.

I also had to setup a version control system and decided to use subversion with the facility of the free VisualSVN Server. Very simple way to setup in less than 10 min (including download time) a subversion repository on a Windows server. I highly recommend it ! I am also now, for some months, using VisualSVN that provides a seamless integration between subversion and Visual Studio 2005 and 2008. VisualSVN Limited offered a license of VisualSVN to me and my brother. Thanks a lot, really appreciated! And now at innoveo solutions, my company, we are also using it.

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