Posts tagged with "ReSharper" - Page 2

ProjectReference with Condition in your MSBuild project files

Since some time I have the current scenario where I need to have conditional reference in a project. Basically the application must reference an assembly in one case in other it should reference another one. This was working correctly from an MSBuild point of view as the first implemented solution let me compile and run the application on my development machine and it was also working for our TeamCity build server. So everything was fine in this perfect word expect one thing!

The issue was the following; Visual Studio was showing two references of the ‘same assembly’ with different path. Not really an issue you would say because the correct one was used at compile time and at run time in all configurations. So the issue was that this had an impact of ReSharper. And this is I cannot accept because it affect my productivity.

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ReSharper 5.0 Overview

Oct 13, 2009

As part of the Jetbrains Academy I am using/testing ReSharper 5 for around a month now. It is quite stable for a pre-release and I have lots of fun using it, and as always a productivity boost. Some of my preferred features are: External Sources, ASP.NET MVC integration, Solution-Wide Warnings and Suggestions, Upgrade-to-LINQ Actions. Till now I wasn’t able to test the Native NUnit Support, but this is definitely something I will test in the near future.

Jetbrains just posted on their blog ReSharper 5.0 Overview, check it out:

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Unit Tests without leaving the keyboard

I like the Roy Osherove blog: Five Whys, Leadership in software teams.

Follow up on those two posts “How to measure programmer productivity using TDD Katas” or “Be Productive and Go Mouseless”. I would like to share a little keyboard shortcut which save me quite some time on my daily developments.

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Joining JetBrains Academy

Sep 6, 2009

I am pleased to announce that I was invited to join JetBrains Development Academy and accepted the invitation.

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