[PDC 2008] – Show off selection

Finally my video didn’t make it for the ShowOff contest at the PDC 2008. Here is the answer I’ve got:

I wanted to thank you again for your ShowOff entry. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming response to ShowOff, we had to make some hard decisions about which entries we would be able to show during the event. We really liked your video, but unfortunately it didn't make it into our final cut this year.

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Arrived at Los Angeles for PDC 2008

Oct 26, 2008

We finally arrived in Los Angeles, Sébastien Ros and myself after quite a trip.

We left Mulhouse (East of France) at 7:AM on Saturday direction Paris, then Paris direction Seattle and finally Los Angeles.

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PDC2008 Here I come!

Oct 23, 2008

I finished a first selection of my sessions!

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And now ASP.NET MVC Beta is here!

Oct 16, 2008

What a week just before Microsoft PDC 2008! After Silverlight 2 release it is the turn of ASP.NET Framework to be released in Beta.

The ASP.NET MVC Beta release provides a new Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework on top of the existing ASP.NET 3.5 runtime. This means that developers can take advantage of the MVC design patterns to create their Web Applications which includes the ability to achieve and maintain a clear separation of concerns (the UI or view from the business and application logic and backend data), as well as facilitate test driven development (TDD). The ASP.NET MVC framework defines a specific pattern to the Web Application folder structure and provides a controller base-class to handle and process requests for “actions”. Developers can take advantage of the specific Visual Studio 2008 MVC templates within this release to create their Web applications, which includes the ability to select a specific Unit Test structure to accompany their Web Application development.

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