Tech Head Brothers 1.1 is online

Aug 9, 2003

Finally it is online!!! After some weeks of work I managed to have the new version of my site online. The change was initiated by my hoster because they will not support anymore .NET Framework 1.0 by 1st of September.

Basically here are the changes:

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PDF generation

Aug 8, 2003

New features on the new version of my website. I worked out a little more the pdf document generator using nFOP. Now the pictures that are displayed on the web pages are also displayed on the pdf version of the different articles. I had to work also on the XSLT file transforming my XML articles to XSL-FO.

I still have a stange bug with the link in the pdf. The mouse pointer is changed to show that there is a link but at the top of the text. As much as the text is at the bottom of the document as much as the link is at the top of the text. Anyone is using nFOP?

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Already two years old !!!

Aug 6, 2003

FionaHappy Birthday Fiona !!!

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One more step to Tech Head Brothers 1.1

Aug 3, 2003

I worked a lot, tests and develoment, today to be able to have my site running with .NET Framework 1.1. Basically it is working now but I am still having some issue with DTS to update my PROD database with the data from my TEST Database. Sometimes it fails copying datas from 6 tables sometimes from 5. Really strange. I can't get it. If someone as a step by step dumb way to transfert data from two SQL Servers 2000, I would appreciate.

I also updated the way we work with my brother on VSS. Now we use Draco.NET to be informed of the update of the other and to be sure to constently integrate without any issue. This tools rocks, whenever you can configure it.

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