Chapters finished

Oct 4, 2003

I finally managed to finish the last chapter I had to write concerning a book about Sharepoint 2.0 I am writing with some other Microsoft MVPs. I am presenting the way to develop Web Parts with Visual Studio .NET 2003 and the .NET framework. That was an interesting experience. Now we need to see who will edit it.

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My new HP notebook

Sep 9, 2003

I finally gots my new notebook, a HP nx7000 notebook. WOUAH !! Impressive. WIFI, Bluetooth, SD Reader, 1.6 GHz, 1 Gb RAM (now 512Mb but waiting the extension), 15.1'' Screen (16/9, 1680x1050), Radeon 9200 Mobility 64 Mb, 60 Gb 5400 RPM and Windows XP Pro. I am currently setting it up for our whole team with Microsoft Tool: Sysprep.

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World 2003 to create content

Aug 21, 2003

I finally managed to have my content XML schema version 2.
This allows me to edit the content of my site in World 2003. I have to say that it is pretty cool to type articles in World and then just to save them in XML and post then on the site.

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