The awesome Sauce Reader get even better !!!

Jun 18, 2004

You will finally think that I get some money from Synop to advertise Sauce Reader like that. It is not the case I just find the tool awesome !!! So here are the major changes and improvements in this version include:

  • Sauce Reader toolbar available in Internet Explorer: I am posting this blog entry with that toolbar, really cool
  • Significant speed, storage and memory improvements: oh yeah that the case
  • Desktop alert when new feed items arrive: nice, cool and not intrusive
  • Complete customisation of keyboard shortcuts: another useful feature
  • Support for authenticated feeds and proxy servers: I will be updated at work now :-)
  • Improved automatic update and error reporting mechanisms: worked fine for the update from the alpha to the final beta

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Resharper Build 84 secret feature

Jun 8, 2004

On the JetBrain's Resharper changes page it is written:

Build 84

  • Documentation summary is shown in completion list and in Parameter Info (<b class="strong">Ctrl+P</b>)
  • Code completion for symbol references in doc-comments
  • Option to switch between VS icons and own ReSharper icons for symbols
  • Code style options for modifier keywords order and use of explicit private/internal modifier (and Reformat Code can reorder modifiers)
  • A secret feature, many of you will see it in the next few days :-)

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I solved my issue concerning the Addin registration in Visual Studio .NET 2003

Jun 6, 2004

I had a problem to register new addins in Visual Studio .NET 2003 that I exposed there : Refactoring my publishing tool. When I was starting Visual Studio .NET 2003 I got this dialog:

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