JetBrains .NET Profiler Early Access Program (EAP) starts

Jan 26, 2005

Jetbrains is opening it's early Access Program for it new tool .NET Profiler. Screen shot:

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:-) First publication of an article from Word 2003 on Tech Head Brothers :-)

It is really nice :-) Mathieu is beta testing the tool I developed to publish Articles and How to on our site Tech Head Brothers, a French portal about .NET. And he succesfully published a first article directly from Word 2003 !!!

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When journalist doesn't do they work correctly

Dec 23, 2004

We get some fun :-) !!!!!

The well known French journal Le Monde has just published an article (in French) about the European court decision concerning Microsoft and it Windows Media Player.

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Software development industrialization

Dec 10, 2004

I have been interviewed by the French magazine 01 Informatique about the software development industrialization.
For sure the article talks about Microsoft, Visual Studio 2005 Team System, IBM, Atlantic and Borland Themis.

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