Archives for 2009

ATI Drivers installation on my HP NW8440 notebook

Apr 10, 2009

From quite some time I had a crash when running the ATI Catalyst installer and I finally found what was the issue.

Follow the steps in the Knowledge Base (KB) article to solve the problem with the Microsoft Visual Studio mfc80u.dll or mfc80.dll module

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ReSharper 4.5 Beta Released

Mar 14, 2009

Jura Gorohovsky just posted on the release of a public beta of ReSharper 4.5

Your wait is almost over: ReSharper 4.5 has gone public beta, and the official release is just a few weeks away!

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Tech Head Brothers in St.Barth French West Indies

Feb 25, 2009

Thanks to Didier, now Tech Head Brothers, my french .NET portal is also known in the French West Indies island of St.Barth.

TechHeadBrothers and Innoveo are now well represented in Saint Barth ;-)

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ATI Drivers installation on my HP notebook

Feb 22, 2009

To be able to install the latest version of the ATI Driver I have to use a tool to modify the normal installation package: Mobility DotNET Final1.1.1.0

For some time now I have to run the installation from the command prompt otherwise it crashes, and here is the command:

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