Archives for 2007

CSS Debugging :-)

Dec 18, 2007

How can it be that my girlfriend France-Anne that has no clue about CSS and HTML can fix in 3 minutes a CSS issue  on Tech Head Brothers that I spend an hour without any success ?

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HP Notebooks and Windows Vista - External Display Detection Issue

Dec 17, 2007

I am using a tool from HP called hp Health Check that runs one time per week. Till now I didn't get any recommendation that I didn't know about but today that changed.

External Display Detection Issue

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Why again this error!!! flash crash

Dec 12, 2007

I can get it, I updated for the x times the flash plugin and still getting this error again and again.

I will turn this plugin off now to see if I can browse again.

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Launch of innoveo solutions blog

Dec 11, 2007

A few seconds ago Didier and I just launched innoveo solutions blog.

If you ask yourself what is innoveo solutions, it is my new company and you might read more about it here:

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