Archives for 2007

Migration of Tech Head Brothers portal to .NET Framework 3.5

Nov 28, 2007

I started yesterday the migration of Tech Head Brothers portal to .NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008.

The automatic migration of the solution went straight without any error. During the process I was asked if I want to now target .NET Framework 3.5, replying yes seems not to have changed all things needed, for example in the solution properties I had to do the change manually, but it seems that the web.config was updated correctly.

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ReSharper and Visual Studio 2008

Nov 24, 2007

Ilya Ryzhenkov just published a post about "ReSharper and Visual Studio 2008".

If you want to know more about what is coming you definitely have to read his post!

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Innoveo Solutions new office almost ready!

Nov 18, 2007

On Friday I was doing home office but it seems that our new Innoveo Solutions office went a step further!

Didier took some pictures of our new office in Zurich! We will move there end of this month!

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