Orbit Downloader
Since some weeks now I changed my download manager from Free Download Manager to Orbit Downloader.
I enjoyed Free Download Manager for quite a long time but when I installed Vista I started to have troubles.
Since some weeks now I changed my download manager from Free Download Manager to Orbit Downloader.
I enjoyed Free Download Manager for quite a long time but when I installed Vista I started to have troubles.
As you might know, I am running the French .NET portal Tech Head Brothers and I am always searching for good way to optimize it and make it run better.
Following the post of Jeremy Zawodny's blog: "How To Add Good Expires Headers to Images in Apache 1.3" I decided to check this on my server running Tech Head Brothers on IIS 6.0.
Since the beginning of this week I wasn't able to search anymore in Outlook and has I am using this a lot I was really pissed off.
I finally found an explanation in one of the Microsoft Forum: