Archives for November 2004

Some rules...

Nov 23, 2004

Microsoft Notebook: Top exec shares business lessons

  • It's often better to cannibalize your own business than to give someone else an opportunity to do it.
  • In some situations, your biggest competition is yourself.
  • One of the best ways to compete is to bet big on a "paradigm shift."
  • When you dominate a market and you're looking for ways to grow, adjust your thinking to enlarge the potential market you're pursuing.
  • Keep your mind open to unexpected opportunity.

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Back to correct speed

Nov 16, 2004

Over the weekend I realized that my notebook became quite slow and was always reading something on the HD, even without any memory pressure. When I was to some music, starting an application was really corrupting the sound. So after some I realized that my Primary IDE controller went from DMA back to the old PIO mode. To solve this issue I reinstalled the the primary IDE port using the Device Manager, and after two reboots it went back to DMA and a acceptable speed.

You might find more information about that issue here: IDE ATA and ATAPI disks use PIO mode after multiple time-out or CRC errors occur.

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Debugging VB6 in VS.NET 2003

Nov 10, 2004

This input will help a lot a project we are. It exposes a VB6 COM DLL wrapped with a C++ COM as a Web service using the SOAP Toolkit 3.0. And it is always a pain to debug with all running. On the client side we have Java code, so Eclipse, Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Basic 6.

Debugging VB6 binaries in Visual Studio .NET <span style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></span></span>

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CopySourceAsHtml - Visual Studio 2003 plugin

Nov 9, 2004

Ever wanted to copy paste some code from Visual Studio .NET 2003 to your blog tool (e.g. Sauce Reader) and keep the colorization ? Here is the solution, CopySourceAsHtml, an awesome plugin from Colin Coller. The cool point is that if "<em>VS.NET can highlight it, CSAH can copy it, and your code should look the same in your browser as it does in your editor</em>". I was a bit disappointed not finding the context menu in the editor for other source then C# but you might add a keyboard shortcups as described on this page.

Even better, Colin provides the source. I guess I will soon integrate his colorization way to Tech Head Brothers Word 2003 publishing tool.

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