Posts tagged with "Vista" - Page 2

Get rid of extra pixels in Vista Toolbars

Jan 11, 2008

When you use Lock  the Taskbar in Windows Vista the toolbars shift from some pixels before locking and it is really annoying!

The alternative is to not lock the Taskbar and add the following registry setting to avoir the possibility of moving the toolbars:

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Switcher 1.2 - Nice Vista Aero tool

May 5, 2007

A nice tool for Windows Vista, I will not tell you more you need to try it (especially you Didier ;-)

You can get it from this page:

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Almost finished to install and configure my Vista notebook

Apr 18, 2007

I still need to have some software installed but the main one needed to work are installed:

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Apr 15, 2007

What I was missing after some use of Vista is the way I was using the shorcuts of Windows Desktop Search in my day to day activities. On Vista I prefer having just to type the windows key to get into the textbox ready to type the query. The bad point on Vista is that it was missing the shortcut part.

Now it is over with Start++ from Brandon Paddock. Great job Brandon, Thanks.

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