Posts tagged with "Tools" - Page 21

JetBrains .NET Profiler Early Access Program (EAP) starts

Jan 26, 2005

Jetbrains is opening it's early Access Program for it new tool .NET Profiler. Screen shot:

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Omea Reader and IMHO Instant Blogger

Dec 6, 2004

I just started to test the combination of Jetbrains Omea Reader and IMHO 1.0 Instant Blogger. Omea is good when you read rss feeds and newsgroup. I like the way you can search, create categories, views... For the moment I couldn't find an easy way to quickly se the thread I started or replied to for examples in all my newsgroups.

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CopySourceAsHtml - Visual Studio 2003 plugin

Nov 9, 2004

Ever wanted to copy paste some code from Visual Studio .NET 2003 to your blog tool (e.g. Sauce Reader) and keep the colorization ? Here is the solution, CopySourceAsHtml, an awesome plugin from Colin Coller. The cool point is that if "<em>VS.NET can highlight it, CSAH can copy it, and your code should look the same in your browser as it does in your editor</em>". I was a bit disappointed not finding the context menu in the editor for other source then C# but you might add a keyboard shortcups as described on this page.

Even better, Colin provides the source. I guess I will soon integrate his colorization way to Tech Head Brothers Word 2003 publishing tool.

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Skype API

Oct 24, 2004

For sure there is a new version but I think the most important annoucement is the Skype API. Right now it is not sure what we will get, but I already see lots of possibilities for that.

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