Archives for February 2022

Unit testing Async WPF ICommand

Feb 10, 2022

In the past, within my team at Innoveo, we had several discussions about the best way to unit test async WPF ICommand. We value quality, so testing is essential to us. We decided to make the methods called by the command internal so that our tests could call those.

What is the problem with unit testing an Async WPF ICommand? The problem is that the command is an async void method! So, you have no way to await the end of the execution of your command. So, your test might assert on things that are still executing.

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Automate your .NET project builds with NUKE a cross-platform build automation solution

Feb 2, 2022

Early in my journey in developing software, I used to start a project by setting first a way to build my software automatically each time I did a set of changes. Long, very long ago, I used scripts scheduled to run. When JetBrains shipped TeamCity I started to use it extensively for my projects, here is my first post about "Set Up a Build Computer using VisualSVN, Team City, MsTest, NUnit" from March 21, 2008, but used it since version 1.0. Later on, I also used Azure Pipelines to build Git Diff Margin and also GitHub Actions, for example, to build and deploy those pages.

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