Archives for April 2012

Using Github hubot and Appharbor service hook to get deployment status in Campfire/HipChat rooms

Appharbor provides a service hook which let’s you get informed when a build is finished sending both succeeded and failed builds.

We wanted to use this to get informed in our Campfire / HipChat room so that our distributed team can be informed about builds status without having to go to AppHarbor web site.

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Running Github Hubot on a Windows machine

Apr 28, 2012

I finally managed to get Github Hubot running on my Windows 7 64 bits machine. Thanks to  Sean Copenhaver & Thomas Kahlow which pointed me to the correct direction on the ‘Run hubot on windows’ discussion.

So here is how I did it.

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Sending your Git branch changes as an email attachment

Apr 13, 2012

The other day I wanted to send per email some code to a friend which doesn’t use Git. He is using Svn and I use Git Svn in front of this Svn repository. Why I do that? Don’t get me started…

So he couldn’t pull from my repo and we were kind of stuck. Really?!? For sure not, here was the goal I set as I am sure this will happen some other time: having the computer work for me. What a strange idea you would say! Yeah, the computer working for you. At the end aren’t we here to make the cool things and let the computer do the boring things?

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