Archives for September 2007

Today was my last day at ecenter solutions (Helvetia)

Today it was my last day at ecenter solutions (spin off of Helvetia, Swiss insurance).

My role there was as following:

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New start on next Monday

Sep 26, 2007

Yeah next Monday I will start in a new formed company called innoveo solutions.

Has Didier said on his post "INNOVEO: New working contracts signed" I signed on the 11th September 2007 to join on 1st of October 2007. I see you coming concerning the date, as Jon, but no, I am not superstitious.

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Hello Kirti : Toolkit Release 10920

This has been a long awaited release and has lots of important bug fixes. We were unable to get the Test Framework ready in time and hope to get that out later. The release notes talk about it in detail at this new sample website location. The binaries can be downloaded from the Toolkit Release page.

Please try it out and let us know if you run into any issues.

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