Archives for April 2006

Atlas is now part of the new Tech Head Brothers site

This morning I was able to integrate Atlas in the new release under development of Tech Head Brothers. In less than a hour I had an UpdatePanel in the page that describes the differents authors of the site. Now when you click on the picture of an author the biography is shown without the full post back. And it is really really easy. I am also adding a tab to show all publication of the auhtor.

Congratulations to the Atlas Team!!! Great work.

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New milestone reached in Tech Head Brothers publishing tool

As said in a past post: Yeah!!! :-) Publications are working, I am working on the new publishing tool for my website Tech Head Brothers, and today I reached another milestone: The tool is now installed on Laurent Duveau notebook and he is able to post directly from Word 2003.

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Tech Head Brothers and the DevDays 2006 in Toulouse, France

Apr 10, 2006

This year edition of the French DevDays held in Toulouse the 30th March, 2006 was marked by the presence of 6 Tech Head Brothers authors as speakers !!! Nice :-)

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Wonderful Gadget from Aurelien

Apr 8, 2006

Incredible what you might do with javascript, I cannot believe it. You made an awesome work Aurel.

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