Archives for 2005

Patterns & Practices Enterprise Library January 2005 available on Microsoft web site

Jan 29, 2005

The patterns & practices Enterprise Library is a library of Application Blocks designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges. Application Blocks are a type of guidance, provided as source code, that can be used as-is, extended or modified by developers for use on enterprise development projects. Enterprise Library features new and updated versions of application blocks that were previously available as stand-alone blocks. All blocks included in Enterprise Library have been updated with a particular focus on consistency, extensibility, ease of use and integration.

The patterns & practices Enterprise Library contains:

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THE Blog publishing tool : PostXING

Jan 29, 2005

I tried and used lots of blog tool as you might read on my blog. But I was always searching for a light weight publisher tool. Not the big one that also aggregate, a simple publishing tool. And now I have it, THANKS to Chris Frazier who developed the awesome PostXING. I helped him track down a bug in the ftp client to post the picures you have in your blog. And now it ROCKS for me !!!

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Interoperability Webcast: Security & Interoperability with WSE 2.0, WebLogic and Axis (Level 300).

This evening I attended a webcast about web service interopearability. It was done by Michele Leroux Bustamante of IDesign. The subject was .NET and Bea Weblogic interop and was really interesting. I would like to see now the way to do the same development using Eclipse and deploying the Web service in Weblogic. One of the link to remember about this webcast is: Interop Warriors (such a nice name ;).

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THE mp3 editor : TagScanner from X Development

Jan 27, 2005

I was using for quite a long time TagScanner but with the new functionnalities that Sergey Serkov added. I would say it the killer app for MP3 ID3 tags editing, renaming...

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