Archives for April 2004

Visual Studio for Office and Web Service using DIME

Apr 29, 2004

I started yesterday to work on the second release of the publishing tool that we are using to write articles on my site Tech Head Brothers. The first version what packing everything needed (XML, pictures, source zip) into one zip file that the author was emailing me for publishing. The new idea is to have a Web Service on the web site that directly accept this zip file as a Dime attachment. So the author can directly post his article to the web site without passing it to me. I am so lazy ;-)

I have this web service developped and the code in the VSTO project. Then I faced an issue during debugging. In fact when the debugger reach the point of calling the web service then I get back to the Word 2003 document, and can't continue to debug and the web service is not called. If I remove the line of code that attach the Dime attachment to the request:<br/>srv.RequestSoapContext.Attachments.Add(attachment);<br/>and call the service then it works, but for sure that's not what I want.

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Exchange 2003 working :-)

Apr 28, 2004

Now DNS are updated and I have Exchange 2003 working. I get a new email that I will have to share with my contacts. Thats will be lots of work. There is still something I need to fix: Outlook Web Access

I also installed Open Relay Filter Enterprise Edition from Vamsoft. Thanks to them for gracefully providing me a version.

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Exchange 2003 almost working

Apr 27, 2004

I continued the installation of Exchange 2003 and I am almost done with it. Currently I am able to send email, to get email from my different internet pop emails using Pullmail. But I can't get directly emails for my domain. As I have a dynamic ip i used DynDns and changed the MX record of my DNS provider to point to a CNAME with the domain name used in DynDns. It seems that the problem is coming from there, but I could not fix it, and I don't have any idea.

I want to thanks Benoit Hamet for his wonderful support. I used also a really good article: Hosting Your Own SMTP Mail Using Exchange 2000 by Mark Fugatt. Thanks Mark.

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Domain Controller :-) Starting Exchange 2003 installation.

Apr 24, 2004

Finally I managed to install my DC, DNS... I stopped this morning at 2 AM and restarted at 7:30 AM. Thanks to Thierry Mille (always of good support) and Tim Hines for his message that solved my issue. Now I start installing Exchange 2003, and hope that I will be successfull. For the moment it goes ok. When it will be finished I will need to reimport my user profile, that will tough, I guess. Thanks to Julia Lerman for her kind message, thats right we are only developers ;-)

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