Archives for March 2004

DevDays 2004

Mar 18, 2004

We arrived at the DevDays 2004 in Strasbourg with Jérôme and met mathieu and all his coworkers . We will publish an article on Tech Head Brothers about the event. Pascal is in very good condition as always and as always I missed the OM picture. Pascal send it to me please :-)

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DevDays in Strasbourg

Mar 18, 2004

Tomorrow a big part of the Tech Head Brothers (Mathieu, Jérôme and I) will be at the Developer Days 2004 in Strasbourg - France. If you planned to be there please feel free to come to us to have nice discussions. Kader (also from the team) will be at the one in Paris on the 31 of March. Don't forget to have a Kiwi or two, because you will need lots of energy ;-)

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French Book: Le portail Microsoft SharePoint

I recently participated to a great experience!!! Writing a book with 12 co-authors using Sharepoint. I wrote two chapters about the development with Visual Studio .NET 2003 for Sharepoint and one part of a chapter about the integration of Groove and Sharepoint. This book is now available, here.

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Groove 3.0 Beta

Mar 17, 2004

Today I installed a virtual machine with Windows XP to be able to evaluate Groove 3.0 Beta. I am really convinced about the future of this tool and even it integration in the next operating system, at least the ideas behind. It will sign the end of the shares has we know them for today, and for sure more than that. Groove team made a huge effort on the interface I have to say and the gui is user friendly now. The speed even for a beta running on a virtual machine seems also to be far better. Still working with COM or do they switch to .NET?

There is already a good review from Stowe Boyd

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