Anse Cafard, Martinique

Git Diff Margin, display Git Diff on the margin of the current file in Visual Studio 2012

May 4, 2013

Anse Cafard, Martinique

I am happy to announce that I finally released today my first Visual Studio 2012 extension called Git Diff Margin.

Git Diff Margin

A Visual Studio 2012 extension to display Git Diff on the margin of the current file.

  • Quickly view all current file changes on the left margin: blue rectangle for modification, green rectangle for new lines and grey triangle for deletion
  • Navigate to previous/next change on the file
  • Undo the change
  • Show the diff in external tool
  • Copy the old code into the clipboard
  • Copy a part of the old code by selecting it in the popup
  • Define the colors of the Addition, Modification and Deletion diff margin through Visual Studio Fonts and Colors options
  • Support Visual Studio 2012 Dark, Light and Blue Theme
  • Support the zoom
  • Perfect companion of Visual Studio Tools for Git


Grab it from inside of Visual Studio’s Extension Manager, or via the Extension Gallery link




Get the code


Thanks to Sam Harwell @sharwell for all the improvements!