It is announced on the blog of the team.
In the new features we now have access to spell checker in four languages:
- English (US, UK, Canadian)
- French
- German
- Spanish
Generic AtomPub Support, this bring another set of standardized API to the tool. I really look forward to use it.
Now it also install correctly on Windows Vista x64.
And finally it makes your life easier if you use or wants to use Spaces.
You might download this new final version with all the other live tools, messenger… on this page.
I use extensively Windows Live Writer:
- To let authors publish news on Tech Head Brothers, it uses the blog part of Live Writer. And I am also leveraging the Page possibilities to let authors edit their Bio directly from Live Writer.
- At innoveo solutions, we are using Live Writer to let people publish content easily on the web site. I developed the web site and integrated MetaBlogAPI and Word Press API, letting publisher using live writer to post news and publications but also modifying the content of the pages.
Btw I still have seen a bug in this release, I am running vista with font DPI set to 110 and the categories are not shown correctly in the list.