Posts tagged with "Work" - Page 3

Report from Redmond - By Rick Ross of Javalobby

Mar 28, 2005

"Rick Ross, founder of Javalobby, talks about our recent trip to the Microsoft campus in Redmond Washington for the Technology Summit 2005. This gathering of developers from a variety of platforms yielded some interesting insights from all parties. Listen on for Rick's overview and thoughts on the summit.

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Software development industrialization

Dec 10, 2004

I have been interviewed by the French magazine 01 Informatique about the software development industrialization.
For sure the article talks about Microsoft, Visual Studio 2005 Team System, IBM, Atlantic and Borland Themis.

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Debugging VB6 in VS.NET 2003

Nov 10, 2004

This input will help a lot a project we are. It exposes a VB6 COM DLL wrapped with a C++ COM as a Web service using the SOAP Toolkit 3.0. And it is always a pain to debug with all running. On the client side we have Java code, so Eclipse, Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Basic 6.

Debugging VB6 binaries in Visual Studio .NET <span style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></span></span>

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Free software

Aug 1, 2004

I am reading through the different blog I subscribed to and saw that interesting entry. I have so many discussions at work concerning Free Software compared to Microsoft way of doing business with Not Free Software. Thats Life, real Life. Another way of seeing the real life is pointed by an opened letter from Clemens Vasters, here. So true.

About FREE software ...

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