Posts tagged with "Infrastructure" - Page 2

Exchange 2003 almost working

Apr 27, 2004

I continued the installation of Exchange 2003 and I am almost done with it. Currently I am able to send email, to get email from my different internet pop emails using Pullmail. But I can't get directly emails for my domain. As I have a dynamic ip i used DynDns and changed the MX record of my DNS provider to point to a CNAME with the domain name used in DynDns. It seems that the problem is coming from there, but I could not fix it, and I don't have any idea.

I want to thanks Benoit Hamet for his wonderful support. I used also a really good article: Hosting Your Own SMTP Mail Using Exchange 2000 by Mark Fugatt. Thanks Mark.

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Domain Controller :-) Starting Exchange 2003 installation.

Apr 24, 2004

Finally I managed to install my DC, DNS... I stopped this morning at 2 AM and restarted at 7:30 AM. Thanks to Thierry Mille (always of good support) and Tim Hines for his message that solved my issue. Now I start installing Exchange 2003, and hope that I will be successfull. For the moment it goes ok. When it will be finished I will need to reimport my user profile, that will tough, I guess. Thanks to Julia Lerman for her kind message, thats right we are only developers ;-)

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Domain Controller :-(

Apr 24, 2004

I decided to change my home installation and to promote my server as a domain controller. It is now almost 2 AM and I uninstalled it cause I made a i mistake. I didn't knew before doing that mistake that it will not migrate back the users. What a hell !!! I still have the profile on the disk but don't really know how it will react when I recreate a user. I think I will make a backup first on my external disk of the profile. I'd better learn how to do things then just trying.

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