Posts tagged with "Docker" - Page 2

.NET 7 SDK built-in container support and Ubuntu Chiseled

End of summer 2022, the .NET team at Microsoft announced two things related to containers: .NET in Chiseled Ubuntu containers and then a week after built-in container support in the .NET 7 SDK. I have talked about both topics on two episodes of the French podcast by my friend Richard Clark. In this post, I will explain what those are and how to combine them.

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Experimenting with .NET 7, WASM, and WASI on Docker

Oct 31, 2022

On October 24th, Docker announced the support of WASM and WASI in a new technical preview release. I wanted to try it out and see how it works with .NET 7. If you want to know more about WASM and WASI you can read the introduction from my previous post, "Using WASM and WASI to run .NET 7 on a Raspberry PI Zero 2 W".

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