Opening users access to the new ecenter solutions platform

Jun 8, 2006

Tuesday 6th, June 2006 we launched our new platform to the 12 000 users. This was a big day for us after lots of efforts we finally made it.

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Second step of a long migration weekend reached

Jun 6, 2006

My migration weekend started on Friday at 5:00PM, you might read more about here : "First step of a long migration weekend reached".

The second step was <strong>System Acceptance Tests</strong> from business application's owners. And I am really happy to say that it went well, even better than what I thought, and all applications are tested and are working well and really fast according to the different testers. So we received the <strong>GO</strong> from the business to activate the new platform to all the users.

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First step of a long migration weekend reached

Jun 3, 2006

Yesterday, Friday 2 June, 2006 at 5:00 PM, we started our platform migration process at ecenter solutions.

This is the result of one year of hard work splitted in two phases:

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Fix of Flicker Fix

If you read my post about Flicker Fix that was included and removed from the first distribution of <u><font color="#006ff7">CSS friendly control adapters beta</font></u> you might have heard that it created a security hole.

Having a handler or other reading a file that you might specify the path in a parameter is a really <strong>really</strong> bad idea. It lets for example read possibility to your web.config file to anybody just browsing your site. If your connection string to the db is in clear then... too bad.

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