Domain Controller :-(

Apr 24, 2004

I decided to change my home installation and to promote my server as a domain controller. It is now almost 2 AM and I uninstalled it cause I made a i mistake. I didn't knew before doing that mistake that it will not migrate back the users. What a hell !!! I still have the profile on the disk but don't really know how it will react when I recreate a user. I think I will make a backup first on my external disk of the profile. I'd better learn how to do things then just trying.

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Apr 19, 2004

<div class="Section1">

I continued the evaluation and was a bit disappointed about the import function. I had quite a lot of feed in SharpReader and the import function did not imported them the way I thought, I mean ordered like it was before. <span style="FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings">L</span>

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Trying out Newsgator and .Text Publishing plugin

Apr 16, 2004

This is a post I directly made from Newsgator using .Text Publishing plugin. I just started a search for the ultimate blog tool. I will need some time to evaluate this one, but I like the idea of having it in Outlook. Stay tuned…

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MVP Summit - Day 2

Apr 7, 2004

I decided to stop to blog on that event as I can't really tell what we see here. But I will stil continue to post about some cool private events, and in that matter i would like to take some words from Rédo: ".Net c'est que du bonheur !!!". Thats a private joke and the concerned guys will understand it for sure ;-)

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