Archives for July 2010

Corporate Culture, disruptive thinking and implementation

Jul 29, 2010

Today, my friend Didier finally pushed his post about Netflix on his blog, Corporate Culture: unusual Netflix example. Some time ago, quite some time ago, he sent me the presentation about Netflix, which had a big impact on me! I liked very much the idea !

Netflix thinks that “as they grow, they have to minimize rules”. Different approach as what we all know, experience, read. And … Netflix is definitely not a startup anymore! I would like to share with you a document from Netflix I found on SlideShare about their culture and some quite innovative management ideas they have put in place. Feed for thoughts ;-)

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Unit Test using test doubles, aka Mock, Stub, Fake, Dummy

Jul 17, 2010

Following my post about Application Acceptance Testing, we went, beginning of that week, in some very interesting discussions during a meeting at Innoveo in which I presented the differences between Mock and Stub in Unit Test. After the meeting as I often do I gather up from the web some posts which expressed in more details what I was talking about and made some extract of the posts.

This time I found some interesting content follow-up on my explanations on the site of Rhino.Mock framework website and a post from Martin Fowler; Mock’s aren’t Stubs

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File dialog automation using White framework

Jul 16, 2010

Today TeamCity was showing me one functional test failure on my WPF application.

I already discussed about this problem here: White’s tip for your automated WPF functional tests

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Application Acceptance Testing

Yesterday evening I found a set of Google blog posts talking about web application acceptance testing which reflect Google experience through “Several years of experience across multiple project teams”.

This reflects a lot of points I brought into our discussions either at Innoveo or Jobping; best practices, screen/page object, dev. language, recording/coding, BDD..

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