Archives for June 2007

Discovery Channel switches to Silverlight in a flash: News - Software - ZDNet Australia

Jun 28, 2007

Another publication talking about the Silverlight implementation made by my brother Mathieu!!! Wonderful!

You made an excellent job Mathieu!!!

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Migration from WSE 3 to WCF

I started to migrate the Tech Head Brothers authoring tool and portal from Web Service Enhancement 3 (WSE 3) to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). This is a next step in the integration of .NET Framework 3 in Tech Head Brothers portal.

Till today I was using WSE 3 from the Word VSTO solution to securely publish content to the portal directly out of Word 2003/2007.

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My brother Mathieu developed one of the first commercial applications in Australia using Silverlight

Jun 23, 2007

As stated in the blog of Frank Arrigo (responsible for all Technical Communities in Australia),

One of the things we will be showing at ReMIX is a preview of Discovery Channel Asia's "Never Miss TV" developed by local digital agency @www. It's one of the first commercial applications developed in Australia using Silverlight.

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I am a VIB - Very Important Blogger

Jun 22, 2007

Nice :-) !!! First I was MVP now I am also VIB.

Two weeks ago I got an email from Microsoft to invite me to the Mix in Paris. This email was starting with the following "[Invitation presse/VIB]", I had absolutely no clue what VIB was for, and as I was not someone from the press, I supposed I was a VIB. Unfortunately I couldn't attend the Mix 2007 in Paris.

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