Archives for July 2006

Tech Head Brothers Authoring Tool - Part 1 Video

Jul 18, 2006

I have quickly posted a video showing the insertion of an image and source code using the Tech Head Brothers Authoring tool on YouTube.

<YouTube id="pqLqv_sSOgo" class="yt-width" /> <br/>

This demo demonstrates offline preview and the ease of inserting images and source code in authored articles.

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Initial Checkin of Tech Head Brothers Authoring Project on Codeplex

I just made my first checkins on CodePlex for the project Tech Head Brothers Authoring.

CodePlex is REALLY COOL, having an access to a Team Server from Visual Studio 2005 is just great. I like it very much.

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End of the first ecenter solutions platform

Jul 1, 2006

It is an important date for me, because tonight the first platform built in the ecenter was switched off. For sure the end of something, but a great start for something new (1, 2, 3).

And here is the picture of the team:

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