I finally managed to get Github Hubot running on my Windows 7 64 bits machine. Thanks to  Sean Copenhaver & Thomas Kahlow which pointed me to the correct direction on the ‘Run hubot on windows’ discussion.

So here is how I did it.

First of all download and install nodejs 0.6.15. This will also install npm 1.1.16 which is the node package manager.

Then start Powershell and create a new folder e.g. HubotWorking

mkdir HubotWorking

cd .\HubotWorking

npm install hubot

You should see the following output


Go on with the following

cd .\node_modules\hubot

node .\node_modules\coffee-script\bin\coffee .\bin\hubot

And the magic!


You might want also to run it through JetBrains WebStorm 4.0, so here is the configuration you will need
webstorm hubot

And here is the result in the WebStorm nodejs runner