Today at innoveo we had a great meeting in which I made an introduction of Scrum to the whole team! The presentation and the Scrum methodology got a great feedback, and I am very happy about that. We were already using for some years now some key points of Scrum without really knowing it. Now we know it and we will use some more advantages that comes out of it.
My colleague Lorenz challenged me just after the meeting showing me a unit test he made in Java in which he was calling the ScrumWorks Pro back-end for an integration idea we had.
From danube website:
ScrumWorks™ Pro is a collaborative system that allows teams, product owners, and stakeholders to manage the Scrum lifecycle at the program, product, release and sprint levels. Scrumworks™ Pro offers role-based project tracking, and reporting features that support the ScrumMaster, Scrum Team and Product Owner by encouraging Scrum best practices.
Back home this evening I had to give it a try with .NET (What else! ;)
And here is the first result:
So I am also able to call the ScrumWorks Pro back-end but with .NET Framework 3.5 and a WCF client. Cool! That gives me some more great integration ideas!