Codezone search integration in Visual Studio 2005 !!! Cooool stuf :-)

Aug 18, 2005

As previously announced in this post: “Microsoft Announces CodeZone!”, Tech Head Brothers, my French portal about Microsoft .NET technologies, will be part of Codezone. Today for the first time I am able to see what this means to be a part of the Codezone program.

As you can see in the option dialog of the Visual Studio 2005 help, you will be able to choose from a list of currently 28 world wide community web sites (we are 32nd - at the end, as far as I can remember).

And Tech Head Brothers is in the list. Great!!!

When doing a search you will get results from the various community sites that participate in Codezone. For example a search about gzip returns two articles from Tech Head Brothers: one from me and one from Mathieu.

This has been in place for a while but had not been working on my VPC because (Thanks Doug ;) my clock was not set correctly. It has to be set within 7 minutes of the corresponding time i.e. present time.

For more information on what I am talking about read: “What is Codezone Community Search?