Jetbrains Resharper 2.0 Early Access Program (EAP) started !!!

Jul 20, 2005

Great news from Jetbrains tonight with the launch of the ReSharper 2.0 EAP started. You can download the version for Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 and VS 2005 June CTP are supported on this page. I can’t work anymore without that tool . There is for sure some refactoring capabilities in Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2, but it is far from being enough.

Build 201 (Changes from ReSharper 1.5)

  • Support of Visual Studio 2005 (Beta 2 and June CTP are currently supported) Support of C# 2.0 constructs (for Visual Studio 2005) - not all constructs are properly supported yet Support of ASP.NET - in progress, not all features work properly New preprocessor directives handling (no errors caused by use of preprocessor directives anymore!)
On-the-fly Code Highlighting
  • New warning highlightings: redundant ‘as’ type cast; redundant empty constructor; sealed member in sealed class; new virtual member in …; ‘new’ modifier is missing; redundant ‘new’ modifier; redundant boolean comparison; redundant qualifiers; local or parameter hides member; empty control statement body More syntax errors highlighted Lots of new quickfixes Quickly enable/disable highlighting for particular file (Ctrl+8**)
Live Templates
  • Support for templates sharing, import/export, etc “Create template from selection” feature
Code Formatter
  • Line wrapping Code style settings: support for sharing, import/export
  • Unit tests support (NUnit, csUnit, TeamTest tests are supported) “Go to Symbol” feature - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N (the same as Ctrl+N and Ctrl+Shift+N but navigates to all types and members) Quick-documentation feature (Ctrl+Q**) shows popup with documentation for symbol under caret (also works within doc-comment to show presentable form of it) File structure view with reqions, drag&drop etc Mouse-click on implements/overrides/hides gutter icons to navigate Rename refactoring suggests to rename overloaded methods Rename refactoring suggests to rename the corresponding property when renaming field and vise versa Code completion after dot shows indexers Code completion in namespace declarations

You can check the whole plan for ReSharper 2.0 on this page.