8-( 8-( 8-( 8-( 8-( 8-( FURIOUS !!!!! :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Mar 18, 2005

I just started google to find out my NFOP article on Tech Head Brothers, and guess what I found that again someone copied content from my site without asking me and without any reference to the original author, in that case me.

I really hate that, I mean you spend time to create a website, to develop it, to produce content, ok because you like that, but at least there should be a minimum respect about that.

So here is my original article:
Utilitaire basé sur NFop Génération de fichier PDF avec .NET.

And here is the copy: Comment générer un pdf à partir d’un fichier Word Doc en ASP.net?

If you haven’t seen on the bottom of all Tech Head Brothers pages there is a copyright !!! On the site all articles are copyrighted by there author, and the whole site is also copyrighted.

Surfing on the site that is copying my article, I could find a name: Patrice Harmegnies and emails:
harmegniesp@tiscalinet.be hpph.net@tiscali.be
even a picture:

If you find that way of copying not normal, please email

that person to tell him to stop doing so. Thanks for your support.

Thanks to Didier for his support.