Refactoring the set of Predicate with an Interpreter

Mar 12, 2005

This evening I continued my journey with the C# Generics. I refactored what I described in my post “DataAccessLayer.FindAll(PublishedBy(Author))” to be able to use the Design Pattern Interpreter.

The result in the ASPX code behind file is the following:

AndSpec spec = new AndSpec(
                        new AndSpec(
                            new PublishedSpec(),
                            new BeforeDateSpec(DateTime.Parse("01/01/2005"))
                        new OrSpec(
                            new AuthorSpec("Mathieu Kempé"),
                            new AuthorSpec("Laurent Kempé")

DataAccessor<Article> articles = new DataAccessor<Article>("GetArticles");
GridView3.DataSource = articles.FindAll(Matching(spec));

With the unique Matching Predicate, replacing all the other Predicate:

protected Predicate<Article> Matching(Spec spec)
    return delegate(Article a)
        return spec.isSatisfiedBy(a);

To achieve this I first added two more properties to my Entity, Article. I did not added new constructors because those two properties are not mandatory:

private DateTime datePublished;

public DateTime DatePublished
    get { return datePublished; }
    set { datePublished = value; }

private DateTime dateModified;

public DateTime DateModified
    get { return dateModified; }
    set { dateModified = value; }

Then I modified my Data Access Layer to have it a bit more generic, starting with the interface :

interface IDataAccess<T>
    List<T> GetAll();

    List<T> FindAll(Predicate<T> match);

I removed the method T Get(Guid uuid) and T Get(string uuid) because that can be easily expressed with a Predicate.

I made a Generic implementation of my Data Access through a DataAccessor class:

namespace TechHeadBrothers.Portal.DAL
    public class DataAccessor<T> : IDataAccess<T> where T : new()
        List<T> list = null;

        public DataAccessor(string sp)

        #region Protected Methods

        protected void readFromDatabase(string sp)
            <font color="green">// Create Instance of Connection and Command Object
            SqlConnection myConnection =
                new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TechHeadBrothers"].ConnectionString);

            SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(sp, myConnection);

            <font color="green">// Mark the Command as a SPROC
            myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            <font color="green">// Create and Fill the DataSet
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();


            this.list = DataAdapterFactory.createAdapter<T>().Adapt(ds.Tables[0]);


        #region IDataAccess<T> Members

        public List<T> GetAll()
            return list;

        public List<T> FindAll(Predicate<T> match)
            return list.FindAll(match);


I had to implement an Adapter to convert the data from the Database representation to the Entity :

abstract class DataAdapter<T> 
    public List<T> Adapt(DataTable table)
        List<T> list = new List<T>(table.Rows.Count);

        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)

        return list;

    public abstract T Adapt(DataRow row);

And a Factory :

class DataAdapterFactory
    public static DataAdapter<T> createAdapter<T>() where T : new()
        string name = new T().GetType().Name.ToLower();

        if ( name == "article")
            return new ArticleAdapter() as DataAdapter<T>;
        else if ( name == "author")
            return new AuthorAdapter() as DataAdapter<T>;

        return null;

Here is the concrete implementation for the Article Entity Adapter:

class ArticleAdapter : DataAdapter<Article>
    public override Article Adapt(DataRow row)
        Article article = new Article((string)row["Title"],

        if (row["DatePublished"] != DBNull.Value)
            article.DatePublished = (DateTime)row["DatePublished"];

        if (row["DateModified"] != DBNull.Value)
            article.DateModified = (DateTime)row["DateModified"];

        return article;

I made also a Business Layer generic class, but has it is just for the moment a wrapper around the DataAccessor, I will not show it.

And finally the Interpreter Design Pattern:

public abstract class Spec
    public abstract bool isSatisfiedBy(Article article);

With the different concrete Specifications:

public class PublishedSpec : Spec
    public PublishedSpec()

    public override bool isSatisfiedBy(Article article)
         return (article.isPublished == true);

public class BeforeDateSpec : Spec
    private DateTime date;

    public DateTime Date
        get { return date; }
        set { date = value; }

    public BeforeDateSpec(DateTime date)
        this.Date = date;

    public override bool isSatisfiedBy(Article article)
        return (article.DatePublished < this.Date);

public class AuthorSpec : Spec
    private string author;

    public string Author
      get { return author;}
      set { author = value; }

    public AuthorSpec (string author)
        this.Author = author;

    public override bool isSatisfiedBy(Article article)
         return (article.Author == this.Author);

public class NotSpec : Spec
    private Spec specToNegate;

    public NotSpec(Spec specToNegate)
        this.specToNegate = specToNegate;

    public override bool isSatisfiedBy(Article article)
        return !specToNegate.isSatisfiedBy(article);

public class AndSpec : Spec
    private Spec augend;
    public Spec Augend
      get { return augend;}

    private Spec addend;
    public Spec Addend
      get { return addend;}
    public AndSpec (Spec augend, Spec addend)
        this.augend = augend;
        this.addend = addend;

    public override bool  isSatisfiedBy(Article article)
         return Augend.isSatisfiedBy(article) && Addend.isSatisfiedBy(article);

public class OrSpec : Spec
    private Spec augend;
    public Spec Augend
        get { return augend; }

    private Spec addend;
    public Spec Addend
        get { return addend; }

    public OrSpec(Spec augend, Spec addend)
        this.augend = augend;
        this.addend = addend;

    public override bool isSatisfiedBy(Article article)
        return Augend.isSatisfiedBy(article) || Addend.isSatisfiedBy(article);