Archives for October 2022

Experimenting with .NET 7, WASM, and WASI on Docker

Oct 31, 2022

On October 24th, Docker announced the support of WASM and WASI in a new technical preview release. I wanted to try it out and see how it works with .NET 7. If you want to know more about WASM and WASI you can read the introduction from my previous post, "Using WASM and WASI to run .NET 7 on a Raspberry PI Zero 2 W".

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Using WASM and WASI to run .NET 7 on a Raspberry PI Zero 2 W

WebAssembly (WASM) and WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) are opening new opportunities for developers. .NET developers became familiar with WASM when Blazor WebAssembly was released. Blazor WebAssembly runs client-side in the browser on a WebAssembly-based .NET runtime. WASI is bringing WASM out of the browser world by providing a system interface to run WebAssembly outside the web. It is a standard for how WASM modules interact with the host environment. This post will show you how to run .NET 7 on a Raspberry PI Zero 2 W using WASM and WASI.

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Write Logseq plugins in WebAssembly using .NET and C#

Oct 12, 2022

I am using a tool called logseq to manage my notes. It is a fantastic tool, and I would like to be able to extend it. I am not an expert web developer, but I am a .NET developer. I would like to be able to write plugins for logseq using .NET and C#. I have found a way to do it using WebAssembly. In this post, I am going to show you how to do it.

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