After almost 6 years using BlogEngine.NET and a bit more of a year without any new post I decided that it was time to reboot my blog!
My first choice was to go with a static website/blog tool! One reason was that I didn’t want to deal with the hosting anymore.
I started to explore the possibility to use jekyll but after quite some issues to make it work on Windows I decided to forget about it.
Then searching for several other solutions, and there are a lot, see StaticGen, I opted for because I had already Node.js installed on my machine and Hexo was quite fast and easy to use. I also could find a very nice responsive theme named hexo-theme-tranquilpeak.
In the meantime, I had to write a bit of software to automate to the maximum the migration process because it would have been too much work to do by hand, and for sure I prefer to let computers do the work.
Jump forward a couple of months and here we are!