Corporate Culture, disruptive thinking and implementation

Jul 29, 2010

Today, my friend Didier finally pushed his post about Netflix on his blog, Corporate Culture: unusual Netflix example. Some time ago, quite some time ago, he sent me the presentation about Netflix, which had a big impact on me! I liked very much the idea !

Netflix thinks that “as they grow, they have to minimize rules”. Different approach as what we all know, experience, read. And … Netflix is definitely not a startup anymore! I would like to share with you a document from Netflix I found on SlideShare about their culture and some quite innovative management ideas they have put in place. Feed for thoughts ;-)

I’d like to think that I pushed him a bit to publish this after sending him the link and having a talk about the post of Startup Culture Lessons From Mad Men which bring a lot of similar points than the presentation of Netflix.

That led us to think a bit about what just didn’t make sense anymore given the realities of the Gen Y worker, broadband in the home, constant connectivity via mobile devices, the modern market for hiring exceptional people, etc.

Here are some of the more interesting features of working life at a post-modern company that have come out of that Mad Men inspired thinking.

It is clear that not everybody is ready to work like this, there is quite a mind shift !

I am happy to see that some of those idea made their way at Innoveo.