Silverlight released with a bonus for my brother Mathieu

Sep 6, 2007

Silverlight is now available in final release 1.0, you might download it right now.

The bonus part is the application developed by my brother Mathieu for Discovery Channel shows up on the Silverlight website as one of the show case.

Next is a picture of the application and you can see it live on this page.

Great work Mathieu! I hope you will get some time to develop a bit with me ;-)

The other good news is that Silverlight is available on Windows, Apple and will be available on Linux as announced by Scott Guthrie:

Silverlight for Linux Support

Over the last few months we’ve been working to enable Silverlight support on Linux, and today we are announcing a formal partnership with Novell to provide a great Silverlight implementation for Linux. Microsoft will be delivering Silverlight Media Codecs for Linux, and Novell will be building a 100% compatible Silverlight runtime implementation called “Moonlight”.

Moonlight will run on all Linux distributions, and support FireFox, Konqueror, and Opera browsers. Moonlight will support both the JavaScript programming model available in Silverlight 1.0, as well as the full .NET programming model we will enable in Silverlight 1.1.