Tech Ed Richard, not TechHead :)

Aug 16, 2006

When I was awarded the first time as MVP, one of the first MVP I met was Richard Clark, a cool guy. And I am happy to see some confusion in one of his last post ;)

J’ai participé à pas mal d’events de Microsoft, et à part les PDC et TechHead, je pense qu’Imagine Cup est bien l’un des évènements les plus gros de MS.”

“I participated to quite some Microsoft events, and apart from PDC and TechHead, I think Imagine Cup is one of the biggest event of MS”

He is one judge of the Imagine Cup and created the Project Hoshimi, as far as I know. The idea was in his head at the first MVP Summit we had together in 2002 or 2003, I can’t remember.

Tech Ed is the Microsoft event all of us knows and Tech Head, that became later on Tech Head Brothers is my french portal about .NET technologies.

Thanks a lot the advertisement Richard ;)

Update: The whole story about the idea of Project Hoshimi is in the last post of Richard (in french) and again he is using TechHead ;)