At last I get an update to my ADSL connection, I had 512/128 since the beginning (2001). I was one of the first to get ADSL in Mulhouse. I really had to push and push to get a modem. The frustrating point was that I saw all others getting faster and faster and me staying at 512/128. I tried several time to change but I was always said your are too far you can’t get more.
Yesterday I saw that they changed the page on which you can update your abo, then I tried for the 2000th time to update and this time it was ok for 1024/256 :-) And for the same price, cool.
After one day my abo was updated and now I really have 1024/256 even with this kind of line:
Longueur de ligne :
4175 mètres
4/10 sur 3332m, 6/10 sur 843m -
Affaiblissement :
58.66 dB
I know it is ridiculous compared to some friends but it is a good day for me :-).
Didier, the link to update is here;-)
Philippe, please stop laughing.