Groove Virtual Office Tips #1 : Fast access to Workspaces

May 21, 2005

Groove Launchbar is great but sometimes it simply takes too much time to open it to get to a workspace.

  1. Go with Explorer in your My Documents folder, Create a folder and call it My Groove
  1. You might create in your My Groove Folder other Folders to classify your worksapces
  2. Open Groove Launchbar
  3. Select one workspace and drag it to the explorer folder you just created, you get automatically a shortcut to that workspace
  4. Continue doing so for all workspace you want to have access to
  5. Right click on the taskbar and choose in the context menu Toolbars / New Toolbar, in new dialog browse to My Documents / My Groove, click OK

You now have a new Toolbar called My Groove in window’s taskbar that let you choose a Workspace without running the Groove Launchbar.

And when you click on it: