This evening (hum morning ;) I decided to give a try to the conversion
wizard integrated in Visual Studio 2005 that let you import older 1.1
I choosed to import my whole website: Tech Head Brothers. You might
see next the conversion report:

And the Error List report of a build :

I am impressed about the conversion. Ok I have 2 errors and 133 Warnings, but
the warnings are all due to deprecated classes or obsolete methods and the
two errors are:

  • Error 134 Program ‘\Projects\Tech Head Brothers
    Portal\Database\obj\Debug\Database.exe’ does not contain a static ‘Main’
    method suitable for an entry point Database
  • Error 135 Program ‘\Projects\Tech Head Brothers
    Portal\Docs\obj\Debug\Docs.exe’ does not contain a static ‘Main’ method
    suitable for an entry point Docs

Next step is to get the DB in SQL Server 2005 and make some tests. But that
the task for another day.

Tomorrow I will be at the French DevDays 2005 in Strasbourg, hope to meet you